What started out as thank you gifts for teachers turned into a business venture for Suzie Eckermann and Suzanne Devers. Tired of spending money on candles that didn't burn well or contained toxic materials, they decided to make their own.
Candles need the correct size wick for the container in order to burn well, and getting the scent 'just right' takes a lot of testing. After lots of research and experimentation at the kitchen bench, they developed their own range of environmentally-friendly, biodegradable candles. Crafted from pure, earth-grown soybean oil and using wicks made from natural fibres, their products are naturally free from toxins, biodegradable and not tested on animals.
Initially Suzie and Suzanne sold their products to friends and family, but as demand grew, they began to sell them at school fetes and local markets. With limited funds and minimal storage space, they were only able to buy stock on demand.
"We outgrew the kitchen pretty quick! We now have a purpose-built studio where we make them."
But as the business expanded, and with greater power to buy in bulk, outgrowing the kitchen wasn't their only issue. Finding an external warehouse that was close by with easy access became another problem to solve. By getting creative with backyard space to build a studio and using storage space donated by family, they were able to increase their productivity. With greater capacity for supply they began to market their products to gift stores and florists, and implemented a website to facilitate online ordering that caters for both wholesale and retail customers.
And then COVID-19 struck.
"Lockdown 2.0 has been tough as we sell to a lot of wholesale clients who either aren't allowed to operate or who are operating at a reduced level."
The constant lockdowns made Suzie and Suzanne think about steering their business in a new direction. Through their website, they developed a gift service for people to send gifts to loved ones anywhere in Australia from the comfort of their home. All gifts included a handwritten message on custom gift cards designed by talented artist Rach Jackson. They also had time to concentrate on branding and developing a fresh new look that will officially launch once lockdown is over.
súki candles focus on quality over quantity and the result is deliciously-scented, quality candles that won't cost the earth. Pre-COVID, Suzie and Suzanne were able to grow their business around Australia and once we hit COVID-normal, they hope to expand the business further.
súki candles Tel: +61 412 900 512 hello@sukicandles.com.au